I finally made a decision to be involved with CAL 2014, from a face book group called Dutch Crochet, a Granny a day 2013. I had been looking at all the nice blankets (dekens in Dutch) all the ladies had made. I have to say it all just make my hand itchy to also join in, but i wasn't sure until just a few days ago.
I have to say, I made the right decision not only to join the CAL but also to dare my self in posting the few rows that I have crocheted last yesterday. And oh boy, what a surprise I got from all the ladies!!!!
I am so pleased, they are all so supportive, knowing that this group is in Dutch a language that I have learnt in my teen, even though I use it in talking with my mom at home occasionally. It's a great feeling, when you are around people with the same passion. and you know you can count on them for advice and support.
Here is the few rows I crocheted yesterday .
I crochet with hook 3,5 and 4, acrylic yarn.
I have to say, I made the right decision not only to join the CAL but also to dare my self in posting the few rows that I have crocheted last yesterday. And oh boy, what a surprise I got from all the ladies!!!!
I am so pleased, they are all so supportive, knowing that this group is in Dutch a language that I have learnt in my teen, even though I use it in talking with my mom at home occasionally. It's a great feeling, when you are around people with the same passion. and you know you can count on them for advice and support.
Here is the few rows I crocheted yesterday .
I crochet with hook 3,5 and 4, acrylic yarn.
It has been a good day ....
Have a nice Sunday ....